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19th May 2020

surprise – in the form of a giant mural of Richard O’Brien. To celebrate the opening of our new Crystal Maze Live Experience in Manchester on April 1 we commissioned Mancunian muralist Russ Meehan to create the artwork. Featuring the Crystal Maze icon in front of the Aztec Zone it took Russ three days to complete.

“The most challenging part was getting the face right,” he says. Russ is a versatile artist and his previous work ranges from the biggest realistic bees ever painted in Manchester to producing cubist graphic pieces even a computer would be proud of printing.

Anyway, you can check it out when you visit the Manchester Maze secure in the knowledge you can now, quite literally, bow down in the face of O’Brien.

Tickets are now on sale for our new Crystal Maze Live Experience in Manchester, which opens in April, as well as our Crystal Maze Live Experience in London.

Tickets are now on sale for our new Crystal Maze Live Experience in Manchester, which opens in April, as well as our Crystal Maze Live Experience in London.