The 90S



3rd Nov 2022

It’s time to get out those itchy Christmas Jumpers, don your paper party hat and kick start Christmas with a visit to the Ultimate 90’s Nostalgia Fest! We’ve always been a fan of the 90’s. The era that bought us Mr Motivator, Noel’s House Party, Groovy Chick and Home Alone – what’s not to love?!

Christmas time in the 90’s meant tacky tinsel decorations, those awful Christmas lights that looked like flowers and circling our Christmas Wish List items in the Argos catalogue for Father Christmas. Back in the 90’s, things were much simpler…. or perhaps harder!

Want to watch a Christmas Film? None of the automatic Netflix streaming! You’d have to get yourself down to Blockbuster and rent Santa Clause the Movie on VHS. Don’t forget to rewind the tape before you take back though, or you may get fined!

Want to listen to Mariah Carey’s All I want for Christmas, is you? Spotify? What’s that? Find yourself an empty cassette tape, spend hours waiting by the Radio on a Sunday evening waiting for the UK Charts and hit record *just* as it started. Don’t be damaging that cassette though, otherwise you’ll need to find yourselves a pencil and spend a while winding the tape up.

As for Christmas Presents, what did you have on your Wishlist? The 90’s was the era of Furby’s, Tamagotchis, Gameboy Colours and the boardgame Screwball Scramble. Don’t forget to add a limited-edition Christmas Beanie Baby on there, plus a set of roller skates and some smelly gel pens.

As for 90’s TV, well, the whole family would get ready to cosy up in front of Noel’s Christmas Presents and watch as they helped some long-lost family reunite and your aunty wouldn’t stop blubbering into her patterned tissue. Don’t forget the Top of The Pops Christmas Special, The Vicar of Dibley Christmas Special or Blind Date! AND is it even really Christmas without seeing the Coca-Cola Truck?

One thing’s for certain, the 90’s is certainly an era that many remember fondly. That fuzzy warm feeling of Nostalgia you just got while reading the above? That’s exactly how it feels when you play The Crystal Maze LIVE Experience, based on the original 90’s TV show.

From the 17th of November 2022 in both Crystal Maze locations in London and Manchester, you too can enjoy that sense of Nostalgia in our custom-built 90’s TV screens. The perfect Instagram moment for your team photos, gather your teammates for their pre-maze picture, whilst reliving the best music of the 90’s.

So, what are you waiting for? grab your butterfly clips, put on your best hair mascara and don the bomber jacket. The 90’s is back, baby and it’s still as thrilling as it was the first-time round!

With family tickets available in both London and Manchester locations with discounts of up to 50%, get booking for the ultimate 90’s Christmas Party now!

Book London   Book Manchester

